Coenzyme Q10 and selenium: the clinician’s point of view
Dr. Urban Alehagen, Linköping University, Sweden. Lead researcher on the KiSel-10 study and one of the primary researchers on the Q-Symbio study. [...]
Dr. Urban Alehagen, Linköping University, Sweden. Lead researcher on the KiSel-10 study and one of the primary researchers on the Q-Symbio study. [...]
A healthy heart with an adequate supply of Coenzyme Q10 pumps out sufficient amounts of blood with every heartbeat. Increasing age, taking statin [...]
Dr. Svend Aage Mortensen (right), pictured here with Dr. Karl Folkers. Dr. Folkers determined the chemical structure of the Coenzyme Q10 molecule. He [...]
Digitalis lanata, a species of the foxglove plant, highly toxic, is the plant from which the inotrope digoxin is extracted. Digoxin's margin of [...]
Which Q10 product on the American market is the best buy? You don't know. But you can see which Q10 products have been [...]
There was a time, before Cook discovered Australia, when we thought that all swans are white. Coenzyme Q10 is something of a black [...]
Coenzyme Q10 Research in a land down under. Teams of Coenzyme Q10 researchers at The Alfred teaching hospital in Victoria, Australia, have shown [...]
Meta-analyses and systematic reviews of randomized controlled clinical trials show a strong positive association of Coenzyme Q10 supplementation and improved survival, symptoms, and [...]
Two big randomized controlled trials (Morisco 1993 and Mortensen 2014) have shown significantly fewer hospital visits for heart failure patients with Coenzyme Q10 [...]
Competing in a triathlon or in long distance races requires lots of energy over extended periods. Coenzyme Q10 is instrumental in the body's [...]